YSR Raithu Bharosa, YSR Raithu Bharosa scheme, YSR Raithu Bharosa 2021, YSR Raithu Bharosa payment status, YSR Raythu Bharosa, YSR Raythu Bharosa beneficiary list, YSR Raythu Bharosa list, YSR Raythu Bharosa payment status, YSR Raythu Bharosa payment status check, how to apply for YSR Raythu Bharosa online, how to check the YSR Raythu Bharosa payment status online. Here you can check the TS Rythu Bandhu Scheme Online 2021.
YSR Raithu Bharosa Scheme: Hello all, on today’s page, you will be going to see one of the beneficial schemes for the AP farmers. This scheme can support the financial help to the Andhra Pradesh raithu’s only. Under this scheme, every rythu of AP can be benefitted.
However, With the help of this scheme, farmers can invest YSR Raithu Bharosa amount in their fields. Rythu can be used it to buy fertilizers, pesticides, plough charges, labor charger and invest in more ways. This just about the introduction of the YSR Rythu Bharosa scheme, go down below to know more. Here you can see the YSR Pelli Kanuka Scheme.
What is YSR Raithu Bharosa Scheme?
YSR Rythu Bharosa scheme was launched by AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy Garu on 15th October 2019. The main objective of this scheme was to provide financial assistance to the Rythu’s including state fund and PM-Kisan fund.
As I said above, it is a very important and most helpful scheme for the AP state farmers. Under this YSR Raithu barosa scheme, every eligible farmer can get RS.13500/year in 3 installments. There will be no ceiling of land, every farmer will be benefitted as RS.13500/year.
As we discussed above, AP YSR Raithu Bharosa amount Rs. 13500/- will be credited in 3 installments into the farmer’s bank account. You will know, when and what amount will be credited. Let’s know below. Also, check the YSR Cheyutha Scheme.
AP YSR Raithu Barosa Installments:
- 1st installment @ Rs.7500/- during the month of May (including Rs.2000/- from PM-KISAN).
- 2nd installment @ Rs.4000/- during the month of October (including Rs.2000/- from PM-KISAN).
- 3rd installment @ Rs.2000/- during the month of January (Exclusively of PM-KISAN Scheme).
- The above-stated payments will be applicable to the own landowners and landless or tenant owners also.
1st Installment of YSR Raithu Bharosa Payment (2021-22):
- In the first installment of the YSR Rythu Bharosa scheme 2021, more than 52.38 Lakhs farmers have benefitted on 13th May 2021. And for this, the government has spent over Rs.3900Cr.
2nd Installment of YSR Raithu Bharosa Amount (2021-22):
- The 2nd installment of YSR Raithu barosa amount RS.4000/- will be credited in the month of October 2021.
3rd Installment of YSR Raithu Bharosa Payment (2021-2022):
- The 3rd installment of Raithu Bharosa payment Rs.2000/- will be credited in the month of January 2022.
What Are The AP YSR Rythu Bharosa Documents Required?
As you can follow below to know the important documents while applying raithu barosa scheme.
- The applicant should add the caste certificate to the Rythu Bharosa application.
- Aadhar card also required.
- Passbook or Title book for your own land required.
- Mobile number.
- Applicant working bank account.
- And also needed the 1B/Adangal.
- Survey number of your own land.
- Land passbook number.
How to Apply YSR Raithu Bharosa Scheme Online?
Here, you can see, how to apply for the YSR Rythu Bandhu scheme online through the official website. So, let’s go down to know more.
- First of all, you have to visit the official website of the YSR Rythu Bandhu Scheme which is: https://ysrrythubharosa.ap.gov.in/RBApp/index.html.
- On the homepage, you will see a “Login” option, click and login to the account. Your Mandal agriculture officer or AEO provides the login details.
- So, enter the username and password to open the account.
- Once you entered, then you will see a link like beneficiary list, application form download, and more details will be available.
- From that application download link, download the YSR Raithu Bharosa application form.
- Fill in the required details in the form and submit them to the Mandal Agriculture officer or AEO.
- That’s it, now wait for the YSR Rythu Bandhu or Bharosa payment.
How to Check The AP YSR Raithu Barosa Beneficiary List Online?
As of now, we have discussed, how to apply for the Raithu Bharosa, but now, you can see, how to check the AP YSR Raithu Bharosa beneficiary list online below.
- If you want to check, whether your name is present or not in the beneficiary list of Rythu Bharosa, then, first visit the website: Official portal.
- To see the list, first, you have to log in. Already I said to you above that, you have to bring the login details from your Mandal Agricultural office.
- So, I hope, you have got a username and password.
- Now, enter those details in the login box and hit enter to see the dashboard of beneficiary data.
- So, now, you will see the beneficiary data of your District>Mandal> Village.
- In the search box, enter “Katha Number” to know your application status.
- That’s it, this is the process to check the rythu barosa beneficiary list online.
How to Check YSR Raithu Bharosa Payment Status 2021 Online?
Do you want to know, The 1st installment of Rythu Bharosa payment will be credited or not, then, follow the steps below to the status of your payment.
- First of all visit the official webpage: Official portal.
- Now entered into the page, on the homepage, you will see a menu bar with a drop-down menu. From that, select, the option “Know Your RythuBharosa Status”. See the image below.
- Click on that option to see a new open window. There, you have to enter your Aadhar number to get the details of your payment status.
- That’s it, the process of checking raithu barosa payment status is completed.
If you have any queries or want to add any feedback to the scheme, then dial the toll-free number: 1902.
For more helpful schemes, daily visit at https://pmyojanascheme.in website. Thank you.
[…] You can avail all the benefits of navasakham schemes in one place, which is at: https://navasakam.ap.gov.in/. This official website was launched by the AP CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy Garu. Using this ysr navasakham gov portal, you can apply for all the schemes and will be get benefitted. Also read: You can apply YSR Raithu Bharosa Scheme Online. […]