Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme is one of the best schemes in Indian. Amma Vodi scheme was launched by MR. YS Jagan Mohan Reddy the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. By this scheme all the students from 1 to 12 standard will get the benefits of 15000 per year. In this post you will find the complete Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme Registration, Jagananna Amma Vodi Status Check online, and Jagananna AmmaVodi Eligibility list 2021, Benefits and many more.
Amma Vodi is also a part of NAVARATNALU which has already announced by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. The main motto of this scheme is for providing the financial assistance of Rs 15000 per year to each mother or recognized guardian in absence of mother, who is below poverty line household, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and region to enable her to educate her child or children from class 1 to 12 in all recognized government and private schools and colleges.
Andhra Pradesh Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme 2021 Details
Scheme Name | Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme 2021 |
Beneficiary | Mother of school and collage going children below poverty line household, irrespective of caste |
Benefits | RS 15000 per year |
State Government | Andhra Pradesh |
Launched by | Chief Minister of AP Mr. YS Jagan Mohan Reddy |
Scheme launched date | 10th June 2019 |
Authority | School education department of AP |
Categoty | State level welfare scheme |
Official website of the scheme | https://jaganannaammavodi.ap.gov.in |
Jagananna Amma Vodi Status | Amma Vodi Beneficiary List Check Online
1 First visit the official website of Ammavodi scheme i.e https://jaganannaammavodi.ap.gov.in
2 On home page click on search child details for AMMAVODI 2020-21 or click on the link below
3 Here you have to fill the mother or guardian Aadhaar number and enter the below capcha.
4 When click on get details you will get the beneficiary details.
5 Take the screenshot or take a print.
Jagananna Amma Vodi Helpline Details from https://jaganannaammavodi.ap.gov.in/
Helpline Number | 9705655349, 9705454869 |
Emails | apcse.@ap.gov.in |
Address | 4th flore, B block, VTPS Rd, Bhimaraju Gutta, Ibrahimpatnam, Andhra Pradesh, 521456 |
Jagananna Amma Vodi Eligibility List 2021
- The Mother or Guardian is eligible for Rs.15,000 per annum irrespective of number of children of that family studying from class I to XII.
- The Mother of the child should be from below the poverty line.
- The Family should be in possession of a White Ration Card issued by the Government.
- Mother shall possess valid Aadhar card or having applied & verified.
- In case of the demise or absence of the Mother, the quantum of Rs.15,000/- shall be paid to the natural Guardian of the child.
- The valid ration card data base shall be subjected to the 6 step validation.
- The Children of the beneficiary should be studying in Classes I to XII in Government/ Private Aided/Private Un Aided Schools/ Junior Colleges recognized by the Government of Andhra Pradesh including Residential Schools/Jr.Colleges.
- For orphans/ street children, who are admitted in schools through voluntary organization, this benefit will be extended in consultation with Department concerned.
- The beneficiary shall ensure at least 75% attendance of the children.
- If the child/children discontinue their studies in the middle of the academic year, they will not be eligible for the benefit for that academic year.
- Those students who are studying in the eligible institutions in Classes I to XII shall be taken as a single cohort for identifying the beneficiary mothers for grant of incentive under the scheme.
Mode of Payment in YSR Jagan Amma Vodi Scheme
- Every beneficiary /Mother should have Savings Bank Account in any Nationalized Bank or Post Office in the vicinity of the Village.
- The amount of Rs.15,000/- shall be transferred to the beneficiary’sunencumbered Bank Account in the month of January every year through online till the child continues his/her Education upto Class XII.
- The financial assistance shall not be continued to the Child beyond completion of Class XII. Jagananna Amma Voidi list check online
Jagananna Amma Vodi app gov.in
Still if you more details of Ammvodi Scheme then you can visit the jagananna amma void app gov.in. there you will find everything about Amma Vodi pathakam.
I hope finally you have got complete information about the Jagananna Amma Vodi Eligibility list 2021, Jagananna Amma Vodi Scheme details, Jagananna Amma Vodi Status check online.
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